Friday 11 February 2011

Pass the popcorn.

Scream 1966

Phone Voice: I only eat popcorn at the movies.
Casey: Well, I'm getting ready to watch a video.
Phone Voice: Really, what?
Casey: Oh, just some scary movie."

I realise salted caramels, chili chocolate and vanilla mayonnaise are all flavours du jour but I think I have always been ahead of the game in that respect. Ever since I became savvy enough to notice that all the other kids at the pictures had a bag of popcorn and a fizzy drink instead of a bag of Woolworth's pic 'n' mix and a panda pop I have loved popcorn. Never one to make a decision easily I asked for a scoop of both sweet and salty into my bag of popcorn. Serendipity lent a hand and the combination of sweet and salty meant that the bottom of the box was reached pretty quickly.

Now with children of my own, and a reluctance to pay £7 for a box of hot air I resolved to find a solution.

A leftover bag of marshmallows from my previous dalliance with s'mores and a mention of the movie Scream solved the problem. I have made popcorn in a pan, in an air popper and with the help of a microwave. Never have I found in the UK the popcorn Drew Barrymore very successfully cremates in Scream.

Next time I travel to The USA I'm putting some in my luggage, along with Goober, Reece's Pieces, toll-house peanut butter chips and plenty more - but that's another blog post entirely. Mind you remembering what happens to her soon after the popcorn gets it perhaps I'll leave it on the shelf in the supermarket and buy an intruder alarm from Wallmart instead!

If you do insist on watching a scary movie then these salty and sweet popcorn balls should hit the spot.

Mise en scene

1 pack microwave butter popcorn
15 marshmallows
knob of butter
parchment paper

It's all in the edit
  • Lay out a sheet of parchment on your work surface.
  • Cook the popcorn according to the manufacturers instructions. Open the pack and allow to cool slightly.
  • In a double boiler or in a bowl over a pan of simmering water melt the marshmallows.
  • When completely melted, tip the popped corn into the marshmallow slurry and mix well to combine.
  • Liberally smear your hands with butter. (I think I ought to send Nigella this recipe, can you imagine the resulting TV viewing figures!)
  • Take a cricket or base ball sized lump of corn and fashion it into a sphere.
  • Place on baking parchment and repeat with the rest of the mixture. (makes 10 balls approx)
  • Take to the cinema and save yourself at least £7!
This is ideal for eating during a scary movie because if you do happen to scare yourself s**tless and jump in the air at the slightest noise at least the popcorn won't go all over the floor.

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