Wednesday, publication day, came and went. I felt a little glow of pride and had a glass of wine but as I had to teach the following day no real celebrations. Friends have been telling me when they have spotted the book and a certain bookstore chain must be wondering why random members of the public keep photographing displays up and down the country. I could give a masterclass on the 1001 ways to stack a book on an table or "dump bin" (which is apparently a good place to be!) and illustrate it with a slide show.
I feel the same way as I did after having the children although at least I can sit on a hard chair without whincing (one for the ladies, men if you need to ask for an explanation you may regret it.) You focus on the birth itself and then suddenly realise that there is a whole new life that you are responsible for, forever.
School Dinners is now out there making it's way in the world. Reading a review is a bit like reading a school report, what's not said is as important as what is.
Try this one for size.
What next, well it's a case of wait and see. Just as with my other bundles of joy I hope School Dinners does it's best, works hard and becomes a lawyer or a doctor and can keep me in the manner to which I should like to become accustomed.
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