Saturday 20 September 2008

Please be honest!

In the next few days or weeks if I happen to meet you in the street the chances are fairly high that I will show you my book. If you ask to see it first well done but even if you don't I am sure I will find a way to turn the conversation round to my book. I have a copy in my handbag all the time. Ostensibly this is just in case I have to show it to booksellers or people in the business. In reality I have never met a bookseller or publisher just by chance wandering the streets of sunny Surrey or deepest south London, I am carrying my book around because I am so proud of it.
It's funny but the pride I feel is for the book as an object not in myself for having written the words. Writing the words was for me just putting what I would have said out loud down on paper. I am proud of the way it looks, feels and sad as this sounds, smells. I love the colours, the illustrations and I really want to meet the boy on the cover. The way he's attacking that plate of food we would get on famously I feel.
Just because I really love my book please be honest about it. I want to continue writing and your constructive criticism will help me. To paraphrase that rather hackneyed saying, if you have an point to make tell me. if you love the book tell others.


Gayle said...

Hi Becky,

Just wanted to say, I love your book. And it's definately available in Waterstones and Borders in Brighton!! I have been looking for a recipe for Cornflake Tart ever since my son came home years ago and begged me to make one. Well I haven't been able to find a recipe anywhere until now!! So thankyou. I have rushed out, bought the ingredients (I cheated and bought ready roll pastry!) and will be delighting him with it when he comes home from school.

Cooking The Books said...

Thank you,

One of my reasons for writing School Dinners was to share the calories around!